Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence in the Contact Center

By 4 de junio de 2019marzo 25th, 2021No Comments

Artificial intelligence at the contact center is still at an incipient stage. Although much remains pending, companies have to be pioneers and take the opportunity to test with this technology. Learning by trial and error, in order to get the most out of it. Hence, being able to position themselves as differentiators in the future.

Although the journey is long, there are already tools that take advantage of this technology. Today, they have changed the way companies work. Moreover, they are critical in order to achieve a competitive advantage in the market. As is the case of Presence Social Interactions.

Where we are

One of the most common customer-oriented tools that makes use of artificial intelligence are chatbots or virtual assistants. In the beginning, they were simple tools that had functionalities similar to a visual IVR. They answered through graphical interfaces when they recognized a keyword.

Currently, they play an important role thanks to their powerful NLU (Natural Language Understanding) engines. They provide 100% conversational capabilities. Thus, they understand communication with users through natural language and learn from it. In addition, they are able to identify intentions, which increases their cognitive abilities and improves customer experience.

The humanization of these tools also makes it possible to maintain the context of interactions regardless of the channel used. If the client requests to contact an agent, the agent will receive the conversation with all the previous information. Therefore, the customer journey will be totally omnichannel and more likely to be satisfactory.

Real-time support

Although these are customer-oriented tools, artificial intelligence is a key element in the day-to-day of agents. Helping them with recommendations to manage user queries, anticipate their needs and even make customized offers. It predicts their behavior during the interaction.

This does not mean that machines should replace humans. It facilitates their intervention and achieves a transparent transaction between the service assisted by artificial intelligence and that managed by a human.

Learning and analyzing in order to transform

Applying these technologies and tools is an important transformation for businesses and for customers. They are designed to learn from interactions and data analysis. Based on that, they teach systems and applications to make decisions.

This progressive learning and analysis makes the contact center play an increasingly important role in the strategy of companies. Its unique capabilities, together with predictive models or big data, identify new business opportunities and offer agile and efficient experiences. Increasing customer satisfaction levels and brand loyalty.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

It is clear that artificial intelligence is changing the way we relate to each other. It is estimated that by 2020, 85% of clients will manage their relationships with companies without human intervention. Before, they were afraid to request any kind of requirement through virtual assistants or automation systems. Today, they expect to communicate with companies at any time, through any device and in an agile and efficient way.

Companies have to overcome resistances and fears to these technologies. Leverage their unique automation, prediction and analytics capabilities, and integrate them with other business tools to deliver unmatched experiences. Only then can they be competitive in the coming years.

Do you want to know how Enghouse Interactive’s artificial intelligence technologies can help you offer a differentiating experience?